Startup Incubator Sydney
Co-Founders Working in a Startup Incubator Sydney
The goal is to quickly build the co-founder’s minimum viable product (MVP) without compromising the various legal hurdles. AppCurate has partnered with Creative Lawyers to develop a selection of legal packages for our Startup Incubator Sydney.
Legal Packages Match the AppCurate Workflow Phases
Contact Us
- To validate and build your MVP in the AppCurate Startup Incubator Sydney.
- Please email us at or call Roland Kulen on +61 414 429 986.
AppCurate gets you on a Faster Path to Commercialisation™
Faster Path to Commercialisation™
What’s the glue that binds building a simple or complex Minimum Viable Product (MVP)? Click the ‘Learn More’ button to view how we critically synchronise the structured AppCurate workflow phases ›› Ideas | Shape-It | Build-It | Market-It.
Challenge and Refine
User Stories
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‘Flesh Out’ Minimum
Viable Product (MVP)
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Iterate Software Implementations
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Formulate and Promote Content Pipeline
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Building Your MVP in a Startup Incubator Sydney
The AppCurate Startup Incubator Sydney can deploy 45+ ‘App Developers Australia’. In addition, our multi-disciplinary advisors from Sydney | Melbourne | Hamburg | Kolkata will also build your MVP, while keeping in mind a variety of tailored legal documentation will need to get crafted.
The AppCurate Startup Incubator Sydney workflow phases and these tailored legal packages will get co-founders on a Faster Path to Commercialisation™.
Product Discovery, Legal Audit and Brand Protection
Legal packages match the AppCurate ›› Ideas Phase
The AppCurate Business Incubator Sydney approach:
- Listen: to the issues you face, get to know your business and the outcomes you want to achieve.
- Review: your product and the laws, codes and regulations which apply to your product.
- Assess: your current legal structure, processes and stakeholder relationships.
- Advise: on any legal issues which arise and recommend legal structure for the business.
- Protect: your brand by trade mark registration and any other appropriate IP registrations.
AppCurate >> Ideas Phase
Discussion and Analysis of Initial Feasibility
Result (Agreements)
Bespoke Cost
Implement Company Structure and Basic Business Contracts
Legal packages match the AppCurate ›› Shape-It Phase
The AppCurate Startup Incubator Sydney approach:
- Following discovery and audit outcomes including advisory services we develop tailored legal agreements that reflect your specific commercial structure and objectives, which will remain effective throughout your business lifecycle.
- Provide simple, low-cost tailored contracts which your business will require on a day-to-day basis.
AppCurate >> Shape-It Phase
Tailored Legal Structure for Co-Founders: Part 1
Result (Agreements)
Bespoke Cost
Tailored Internal and External Relations Agreements: Part 2
Result (Agreements)
Bespoke Cost
Essential Online Documents and Protecting Your Business
Legal packages match the AppCurate ›› Build-It Phase
The AppCurate Business Incubator Sydney approach:
- You have an MVP and you’re ready to launch your product.
- Before you launch your product you will need terms and conditions of use and privacy policy.
- Having these key terms and conditions and privacy policy in place at the outset will help build your business.
- Good privacy and data security practices promote trust and transparency with your customers.
AppCurate >> Build-It Phase
Future Proof Your MVP: Part 1
Result (Agreements)
Bespoke Cost
Owning Your Assets and Future Proofing Your MVP
Legal packages match the AppCurate ›› Build-It Phase
The AppCurate Startup Incubator Sydney approach:
- As you build your MVP different options to commercialise it will arise.
- Any agreements with third party suppliers and licensees need to be watertight. Key terms like intellectual property and privacy should be considered while in the AppCurate Startup Incubator Sydney.
- Will you license the company’s technology? Will you be collecting data? Are you providing service support?
- Have you considered reselling or white-labeling your technology to other companies?
- Appropriate contracts are required to ensure you own your intellectual property assets and that your business limits its risk and potential liability.
AppCurate >> Build-It Phase
Future Proof Your MVP: Part 2
Result (Agreements)
Bespoke Cost
Legal Compliance to Effectively Market Your Business
Legal packages match the AppCurate ›› Market-It Phase
The AppCurate Business Incubator Sydney approach:
- You have an MVP and you’re ready to launch your product.
- There are many laws, regulations and codes that govern how you market your product.
- If you engage a third party to assist you in generating creative content, marketing and PR, there are key intellectual property terms to consider.
- Have you considered any sponsorship opportunities?
AppCurate >> Market-It Phase
Marketing Your Startup and Protecting Your IP
Result (Agreements)
Bespoke Cost
Reduced hourly rates for negotiations with media partners
Reduced hourly rates for negotiations with sponsoring partners